The present continuous tense is –ing. When we add –ing to
some verbs, their spellings get changed.
- Have - Having
- Ride - Riding
- Swim - Swimming
- Run - Running
Therefore, there are some spelling rules for –ing forms. These are:
- If a verb ends in silent e, we remove it and add –ing
- Ride - Riding
- Write - Writing
- Dance - Dancing
- Come - Coming
- Smile - Smiling
- Ride - Riding
- Have - Having
- If the verb is one-syllable ends with a vowel + a consonant,
the final consonant gets doubled before adding –ing
- Swim – Swimming
- Stop – Stopping
- Tap – Tapping
- Sob – Sobbing
- Admit – Admitting
- Commit – Committing
- Refer – Referring
- Visit – Visiting
- Target – Targeting
- Open – Opening
- Inherit – Inheriting
- Traffic – Trafficking
- Picnic – Picnicking
- Mimic – Mimicking
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